La Germania è caduta

di lapzkauz


  1. Lakuriqidites on

    Instead you can mail a letter that will take 3 weeks to reply now.

  2. SoupSpelunker on

    Fun fact – there was a time when most email clients had the ability to send and receive faxes by sending or receiving to a phone number rather than an email address.

    It sucked, but it worked.

  3. Significant_Tie_2129 on

    I was told that fax is the most secure way of exchanging information and can’t be hacked, therefore it will be around forever.

  4. Character-Carpet7988 on

    Noooooo, half of my Germany jokes are based on fax references! Germans really hate humour.

  5. monos_muertos on

    The pantelegraph will be decommissioned due to lack of parts.

  6. Necessary-Dish-444 on

    I mean, that’s better than Swiss Life that still sends SWIFTs in some cases via fax.

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