L’ho trovato a Tampere, ma qui l’erba non è illegale? 🫣


di SayefM


  1. Legal as long as it doesn’t contain THC above the limit that I can’t remember right now.
    So nothing you can get high with, just overpriced new age crap marketed to law-abiding rebels.

    If you need hemp products, you can most likely find them cheaper from markets or shops like viherpeukku.

  2. Slowly_boiling_frog on

    Products containing the other cannabinoids such as CBD, CBN, CBG can be and are sold in stores like this. As long as it’s got 0% THC it is legal. Kaninkolo for example is a Finnish chain of headshops that sells said products along with Nordic Pouch.

  3. GoranPerssonFangirl on

    Because it’s only CBD, it doesn’t have any THC and is therefore legal. We’ve got some of these shops all over the country

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