Lo rivela il 60% del pubblico irlandese dopo gli exit poll


di dudeirish


  1. Visionary_Socialist on

    You never meet anyone who’s happy about how the country’s run and who doesn’t want to whine about something but they still win. Every. Time.

    Well the Australian health service, the UAE education ministry and the American MNCs will be happy anyway.

  2. 1000Now_Thanks on

    If things stay the same at least we could have a massive surplus in the bank. Won’t that be awful.

  3. Massive-Foot-5962 on

    lemme guess – you want the party that got 20% of the vote to instead lead a government.

    for any nordies in the audience who don’t understand how a proper democracy works – in Ireland the government will be the one that can claim 50%+1 of the seats in the dail and will therefore represent a majority of the population.

  4. ResponsibleTrain1059 on

    Not that it matters much. I think the outcome is still more FF/FG+someone else. But the exit poll in 2020 had the 3 major parties all equal but in the end it was something like 24-22-20. So its not exact and we get to see how messy the next coalition is going to be.

    Looks like the Greens got hit a decent amount but Labour or SDs didnt take their votes so a swap might not be possible like some predicted.

    Could get real sloppy.

  5. Nettlesontoast on

    Met someone during the week asking friends (me) to please vote ff/fg and “just give them a chance” to make changes

    they’ve had 100 years of chances, said friend is in her 60s and owns multiple homes

  6. AnT-aingealDhorcha40 on

    Is that the 60% who didn’t get off their ass to vote.

    Their opinion is irrelevant.

  7. Garlic-Cheese-Chips on

    Misery, misery, misery, the whole flippin’ way.

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