St John Ambulance esorta le persone a imparare a “proteggere i primi soccorsi” per proteggere gli amici durante il periodo natalizio

di tylerthe-theatre


  1. Danimalomorph on

    I find the ‘one in four’ aspect of this story unbelievable.

  2. Commercial-Silver472 on

    Article with zero evidence apart from people’s opinions.

  3. Salty_Nutbag on

    We really need a new moral panic.
    This one is old, and has far overstayed it’s welcome.

  4. MeanCustardCreme on

    Sorry, but there is just no way that 23% of 18 to 43-year-olds have “definitely” been spiked. It would mean that nearly every time you go out, there is someone around trying to spike people. I’d also like to see how “spiking” was defined and measured.

    Spiking *is* an issue and we need to be aware of it, but my unscientific guess is that relative to the number of people on a night out in the country at any one time, it’s very rare.

  5. rye_domaine on

    I’m so glad UK Reddit, notorious for literally never going out in fear of becoming an alcoholic, has all these insights to provide us on how drink spikings “literally never happen, you guys.”

  6. welsh_cthulhu on

    Spiking is, and always has been, utter bollocks made up by people who drank too much on a night out and need to explain the embarrassment away to family and friends.

    Cue the “I know someone who got spiked” comments.

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